Sleeping Pills, A Hundred Year War, and A Séance with a Witch (1 Samuel 26–28)
God's Restraining Grace (1 Samuel 25)
Let God Narrate (1 Samuel 23-24)
God's Fugitive (1 Samuel 21-22)
When Things Go Sideways (1 Samuel 18–20)
A Biblical Theology of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)
The Forgotten Son of Bethlehem (1 Samuel 16)
One of the Bible’s Uncomfortable Stories (1 Samuel 15)
The Good Guys and The Bad Guys (1 Samuel 13-14)
The Storyteller (1 Samuel 11–12)
Long Live the King! (1 Samuel 8-10)
The Ark’s Return (1 Samuel 6–7)
Ark-eology (1 Samuel 4–5)
Kicking the Sacrifice (1 Samuel 2:12–3:21)
Almost Home (1 Samuel 1:21–2:11)
A Dead Book, A Dead Religion, A Dead Womb (1 Samuel 1:1–20)
Desperate Times (1 Samuel 1) Josh Wredberg
Title: Desperate Times
Text: 1 Samuel 1
That All the Earth May Know God
Text: I Samuel 17
I fear that we make this story say what we want it to say. What is this story teaching? What is the author intending to say? If we find the author’s intent then we find God’s intent. We enjoy saying memorable phrases like “Some say Goliath is too big to kill. David said he is too big to miss”—spoken by a preacher who loves clichés. Is one memorable statement all we can gather from this story, even if it is a creative one like “Do not bring a sword to a rock fight”? Is that what the text is really teaching? Is it all about us?