The Kids

Everly Madison

Weston Charles

Stafford Kyle

Haddon Andrew

Kyle & Sarah


We are madly-in-love with one another. Our love is not perfect! God’s love is working in us daily, perfecting our love for each other. 

Our marriage is a shadow—a shadow of the reality of the relationship between Christ and the Church. Dietrich Bonhoeffer believed marriage was more than two people's love for each other. "Vastly more." He said, "Its meaning is infinitely great. The meaning of marriage is the display of the covenant-keeping love between Christ and his people." Our marriage is a parable—a drama reflecting the great marriage between Christ and His bride.

We are committed to one another for a lifetime through sickness, through health, through disappointments, and through victories. We have promised one another that divorce is not an option. Why? Because divorce misrepresents Christ: Christ will never leave His bride. 

"The unblemished ideal exists only in 'happily ever after' fairy tales. I think that there is some merit to a description I once read of a married couple as 'happily incompatible.' Ruth likes to say, 'If two people agree on everything, one of them is unnecessary.' The sooner we accept that as a fact of life, the better we will be able to adjust to each other and enjoy togetherness."

— Billy Graham